Sourcing people skills, capital equipment and money - SWOT analyses - Prepare due-diligence data rooms and pre-feasibility and bankable feasibility reports for Funding Acquisitions. Execute within budget and ontime with highly skilled best of breed cross border project management teams. Future Forecasting for strategic planning

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Project Finance - from Seed Finance to pre IPO Funding

Advance Project Finance - Structuring Risk

Building the model:

- assumptions;
- construction;
- insurance;
- taxes;
- depreciation;
- financings;
- income statements;
- balance sheets;
- cash flow;
- retained earnings;
- equity returns;
- coverage ratios and
- present values.
- off-taker purchase;
- capital recovery;
- unit prices;
- market fundamentals;
- DCF;
- NPV;
- CAPM; and
- IRR.

- due diligence of analyzing the project's ability to support interest rates and gearing;
- downside, base, and upside cases;
- use the model to price and negotiate the deal.


  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contract: - between the Project Company & the Engineering Firm.
  • Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Agreement: - between the Operations Contractor and the Project Company, obligates the Operator to operate and maintain the project.
  • Shareholders Agreement: - governs the business relationship of the equity partners
  • Inter-creditor Agreement: - an agreement between lenders or class of lenders that describes the rights and obligations in the event of default.
  • Supply Agreement: - agreement between the supplier of a critical key input and the Project Company (e.g. agreement between a coal supplier and a power station)
  • Purchase Agreement: - agreement between the major user of the project output and the Project Company (e.g. agreement between a metropolitan council and a power station)

Project start ups with USP and IP either as SPV's of a bigger concern or with strategic partners bringing project management skills